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Nathan Hanson ENC1101 ePortfolio

Welcome to the Nathan Hanson ENC1101 ePortfolio! This ePortfolio is a collection of essays and writing assignments created as part of the English 1 class. Dive into the world of words and ideas that have been meticulously crafted to showcase my learning journey. I hope you find inspiration and insight as you explore the contents of this ePortfolio.

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This Website displays my work I've done for my ENC1101 class. My essays, stories, poems and any other of my assignments will be posted here to display for all to see

Students will be able to describe and reflect on writing processes in order to flexibly adapt them to support their goals.

Students will be able to demonstrate how they marshal/leverage their multiple literacies (3.g. speaking, listening, reading, multilingual writing, translating, multimodality, etc.) to support their writing processes

Students will be able to identify, analyze, and reflect on variation in rhetorical and linguistic patterns, including their own, from a range of contexts (e.g. cultural, digital, workplace, and/or academic).

Students will be able to produce writing that demonstrates their ability to navigate choices and constraints when writing for specific audiences, genres, and purposes

Students will be able to critically examine and act on the relationship among identity, literacy, language, and power

Students will be able negotiate differences in and act with intention on feedback from readers when drafting, revising, and editing their writing.


Stories in the Sky: Writing Process & Adaptation / Decision Making & Production

During this assignment, I was asked to use videos and text to analyze the constellations of the sky and the stories that go along with them. To reach this goal I examined the videos provided. I found a set of constellations that relate to a set of stories that I like and that I am familiar with, and because the topic was something that I am passionate about I was able to put together my paper very efficiently I started with the basic knowledge that we know about Perseus and his journey and simply just expanded upon it going into detail about what the story represents and how its affected greek culture.


When writing this paper about the constellations following the stories of the Greek gods and myths, I without hesitation picked to write about Perseus, because he has without a doubt one of my favorite stories. When writing about Perseus I knew I needed to inform the reader not only about Perseus and his stories but the meaning behind them and how they affected Greek culture. Knowing this I told his story giving a brief version of it speaking of his battles with Medusa and informing the audience how he has a classic kind of story with the classic telling of good vs evil—something everyone typically enjoys.

Parables and Fables: Decision Making & Production

When given this assignment to write either a parable or a fable, an issue that struck me right away was the fact that I would have to cater the story to a younger audience. Which is something that I am not very familiar with. Knowing what I needed to do I did some research looking up different parables and fables that thousands of kids around the world have read. I just picked up on little details that were similar in all of them, and following that, I was able to put together my fable, which I think the story does a good job of doing one of the most crucial aspects of a fable which is the lesson it teaches as well as being entertaining.

Seventh Night Poems: Writing Process & Adaptation

With Assignment 4 Seventh Night Poems, we were given a series of poems detailing a story told during the Japanese festival of Tanabata. The goal of this assignment was to read and analyze the poems as well as their impact on Japanese culture. To do this personally it took me a couple of read-throughs to fully grasp the story and the true meaning behind it, but once I understood I was able to write our assignment in which I was able to explore the beauty behind Tanabata and the Seventh Night Poems and how they’ve impacted the Japanese culture.

© 2023 by Nathan Hanson. All rights reserved.

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